Deeply Satisfying Music: A Music Hub & Sequoia’s Reach (LinkedIn) Group

Deeply Satisfying Music

2 Members

Exploring and enjoying featured Individual music tracks, full albums, and complete Radio/Internet LIVE programs, VIDEOS or RECORDED podcasts of inspirational and significant music that starts from my foundational roots and trunk of Classical Music (Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionism, Early 20th Century) and then branching into New Age, Jazz, and World Music Genres that include “polar regions of contemporary music” (and any other genres or categories of music that I may have missed).

The background (of the Photo Above) depicts root-like designs all over — thick and thin, wispy yet strong. In the center, is a boy reaching up to another person’s hand. This connection represents the idea and concept behind Sequoia’s Reach.

Sequoia’s Reach was created and developed by the John Richard Dougherty (1946-2016) who would have enjoyed seeing this collaboration and adaptation of his tour-de-force works.

The Background Cover Art was designed and hand drawn by Hilary Holmes.
Digital Creation was assisted by Lowell Aaron Court.

About Sequoia’s Reach

Mighty Sequoia Trees tower hundreds of feet in the air and can withstand intense environmental pressures like lightning, fierce winds, and forest fires. One of the strengths of this giant tree is what goes on with the roots below the surface. Unlike many trees, the roots reach out and interlock with the roots of the other Sequoias around them. As a result, each becomes empowered and reinforced by the strength of the others. Much like the Sequoia Trees, it is our hope that we all reach out and love, support, empower, and help each other in our life’s journey. Referring to all of you as individuals, may the world be a better place because you lived in it.

Also inspired by the CJSW Radio Katharsis/Processed Program —

This is a place for synergistic communications — pioneering the collection of multimedia and written words to further express and enhance the musicality that exists within each of us.


Just use common sense — please communicate with politeness and respect.
Pretty much anything related to the great music that I mentioned in the group description is welcome here.

Please select or click on the link above to bring up your invitation (to join LinkedIn if you haven’t already done so) and specifically to apply to join this group.


Deeply Satisfying Music: A Music Hub & Sequoia’s Reach (MeWe) Group

Deeply Satisfying Music

9 Members

Exploring and enjoying featured Individual music tracks, full albums, and complete Radio/Internet LIVE programs, VIDEOS or RECORDED podcasts of inspirational and significant music that starts from my foundational roots and trunk of Classical Music (Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionism, Early 20th Century) and then branching into New Age, Jazz, and World Music Genres that include “polar regions of contemporary music” (and any other genres or categories of music that I may have missed).

The background (of the Group Banner Picture Behind) depicts root-like designs all over — thick and thin, wispy yet strong. In the center, is a boy reaching up to another person’s hand. This connection represents the idea and concept behind Sequoia’s Reach.

Sequoia’s Reach was created and developed by the John Richard Dougherty (1946-2016) who would have enjoyed seeing this collaboration and adaptation of his tour-de-force works.

The Background Cover Art was designed and hand drawn by Hilary Holmes.
Digital Creation was assisted by Lowell Aaron Court.

About Sequoia’s Reach

Mighty Sequoia Trees tower hundreds of feet in the air and can withstand intense environmental pressures like lightning, fierce winds, and forest fires. One of the strengths of this giant tree is what goes on with the roots below the surface. Unlike many trees, the roots reach out and interlock with the roots of the other Sequoias around them. As a result, each becomes empowered and reinforced by the strength of the others. Much like the Sequoia Trees, it is our hope that we all reach out and love, support, empower, and help each other in our life’s journey. Referring to all of you as individuals, may the world be a better place because you lived in it.

Also inspired by the CJSW Radio Katharsis/Processed Program —

This is a place for synergistic communications — pioneering the collection of multimedia and written words to further express and enhance the musicality that exists within each of us.

Rules (Profile Qualifying Questions)

Just use common sense — please communicate with politeness and respect.
Pretty much anything related to the great music that I mentioned in the group description is welcome here.

Please select or click on the link above to bring up your invitation (to join MeWe if you haven’t already done so) and specifically to apply to join this group.