Let’s educate and influence others to stop wearing masks.

Originally, when I started this (my) petition, I was more concerned about influencing decision makers to remove mandatory mask bylaws. And if you recall, I was personally against wearing masks because of the following reasons. And now, I believe that this issue goes far beyond forced compliance, and is a matter that each of us as individuals needs to carefully consider and do what we strongly believe and know to be correct.

Here is what I said in the original petition, as my personal opinion and position.

“In my opinion, the wearing of masks to prevent COVID-19 is NOT effective, and is based upon known and hidden agendas that should not be forced upon citizens to comply or risk fines or worse. Even those with serious medical conditions who should not be wearing masks, may often feel forced to wear masks to avoid harassment or penalties for lack of other wisdom. I also believe that wearing of masks significantly decreases one’s immunity, may make the individual more prone to other serious diseases, and outweighs the popular opinion that masks protect which they don’t.”

Please visit my petition link at

And, just recently, today, I was reminded about this petition when I read this article at

Well, long-term mask wearing is dangerous, and we all probably need to be educated further about this. I encourage you to share this message with your friends and family.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Hopefully together we will make a significant difference in our lives and in the lives of those who join us with this action by refusing to wear masks, regardless of whether or not it is a mandatory municipal bylaw.


#AgainstMasks #RemoveBylaws